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I'm sorry to say that this blog post does not yet exist. If you think that there is demand for it, please feel free to contact me at and I will create it right away!-Sara Wen Kenyon (Owner)
COMING SOON: MY FAVORITE THINGS TO DO WHEN LEARNING HOW TO LIVE LIFE HAPPILYThis blog post is all about the things I've done when struggling with depression and anxiety. It includes self-care techniques, inspiration for starting new projects in life, and activities that can help you find your passions in life.
COMING SOON: Dresses for the Fashionable AficionadoMy dream is to create unique and beautiful dresses that are timeless, yet still modern. I also hope that these beautiful pieces of clothing can be accessible to everyone!
COMING SOON: My Favorite Books (YA)This is my collection of must-read YA fiction novels. From Twilight to Harry Potter, these books transcend time and tell stories about our world today.
COMING SOON: Best vintage pictures of me from childhood days!This one will be a little different from my other blog posts. I'll put up pictures of me with my family and friends, just being a kid!
COMING SOON: A painting of meThis is something that I hope to achieve one day. I've always wanted to create my own painting, so I thought this would be a fun challenge!
COMING SOON: How to Achieve Your Writing Dreams (Successful Writers' Tips)This post will give you tips on how to become successful in your writing career! It will also give you a list of my favorite writers in literature.
COMING SOON: My Best Memories from Childhood Days in West VirginiaI had a very happy childhood growing up in West Virginia. This blog post will show you why.
COMING SOON: How to be Successful in SchoolI've had my ups and downs in school, but I'm glad that I ended up doing great in college. With this blog post, I hope to inspire you on how to become successful in school!
SUMMER COLOR BLOG OF THE YEAR 2018 - My favorite colors for this summer is yellow~This is my favorite post of the year so far! This post includes links on where you can buy yellow items at the best price, what yellow items I own, and posts on how to wear yellow. Surprisingly, yellow isn't one of my favorite colors... See what I mean?
COMING SOON: My Favorite Places to Travel (also a great idea for a travel blog too)I will post places I've been to and things I liked about those unique places. Also, these posts will help you find the best similar places to go as well!
COMING SOON: My Favorite Hairstyles from Childhood Days!Maybe this, just maybe, I should be a hairdresser someday. Maybe not, but this is quite an ambitious project! This blog post will include my favorite hairstyles from childhood.
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